Hereford Amateur Radio Society – Training

Dedicated to the advancement of Amateur Radio and Social enjoyment


Foundation courses are over one weekend and the Intermediate course is over three weekends.
There is now no requirement for practical assessments however, as we have the facilities at Hill House we will include certain of the practicals on both the Foundation and Intermediate courses. In particular, on Foundation the aspect of having an on-air conversation is retained. You won’t be mic-shy then when you have your licence!
In the final afternoon will be the exam that is taken on a PC and you will have the result that day!
In addition to these courses, we can offer a free-of-charge option for you to attend an operational training session with Tony M0VDO, by arrangement, at his station in Leominster. There you will be shown many of the different modes of communication. Under Tony’s supervision and guidance you too can use the equipment. This may well add to your confidence when you go on the air!
Courtesy of the RSGB all you need to know about the Foundation and Intermediate licences is here  

At HARS we are able to help you via this training portal in any queries you might have. Please feel free to contact us at TRAINING@HEREFORDRADIOCLUB.UK or use our Training Form.  If you represent a young person, we will also need the Parental Consent Form completed as well.

Remember to register your interest in going for a licence now if you wish to attend a HARS Foundation or Intermediate course.

In the meantime remember to checkout our operating nets on 3775 kHz on the 80m HF band, Saturdays at 10 o’clock and on 2m on the local repeaters GB3ZA and GB3VM.

Dave Porter, G4OYX

Lead Instructor HARS